Friday, November 30, 2012

From This Day Forward...

I have decided that, every day, I will post a quick blog recapping 10 new things I have learned. A maximum of two per day will go into Japanese language (because I learn Japanese 6 days a week...) and I think it'll get boring if I just post a recap of my language learning every day.

It is also considered cheating to look up things specifically for this every day, so I'll apologize and say that when I'm bored, I Google really random shit.

So here is mine for today:

1.) One of my teachers is from Fukui, Japan and Fukui is not only famous for its snow crabs  but also for the cliffs. So famous, in fact, that people from Japan go there to jump off and kill themselves.

2.) Tungsten is the world's strongest metal and the second strongest material known. However, even slight impurities can make it brittle. It has a melting point of 3,422 °C (6,192 °F), which also makes it the metal with the highest melting point.

3.) A plasma torch can be used to cut metal. Yaaaay plasma!

4.) Jack Frost is a sprite that has Norse origins. In old Norse, he was called Jökul Frosti (pronunced Yoh-kull Fros-tee). Jökul is the icelandic word for glacier or snow mountain.

5.) I learned that if I shower before my toilet bowl has finished filling, the water will keep running until I flush it again.

6.) Irksomely, Rise of the Guardians has no set release date into Japanese theaters. T-T

7.) In the comic TeaHouse, Axis just took his clothes off in the lobby. Wtf?

8.) My throat has been sore for several days...which probably means that I am sick. Or getting sick. D:

9.) I learned that I can still save my teeth if I find and take vitamin D and calcium supplements every day. My teeth have gotten miserable (I've counted 6 cavities) since I've gotten to Japan, but I'm certain it's due to vitamin deficiencies.

10.) If I wrap my onigiri in the seaweed, but leave it for a few minutes...the seaweed becomes soft, chewy and gross.

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