Sunday, November 4, 2012

Month 2

Today marks my second month in Japan and I really feel it. But time has flown - I hardly remember my first month here and I've drastically cut my spending. Eating ramen every day and buying meat once a week in additional to buying my lunch at the 100 yen Lawson. My appetite has oddly diminished, but some days I fall into food like I'm starving - those days, I eat so much my wallet cries. It's probably due to my poor diet, but it can't be helped. Considering that I am trying to live on less than $22K (including rent) in one of the world's most expensive cities...I think I'm doing okay.

I'm glad for my time with Yadoya - I met a lot of genuinely awesome people. I've already had to say goodbye to most of them, but that's okay! In fact, I'm going out later to surprise two of them with a goodbye cake. They're both sweethearts and one said she might come visit me in America next year!!

I've also learned how to support myself, to some extent. I had to find an apartment on my own and I have to figure out my bills on my own (they're in Japanese). I have been living on my own for a month for the first time in my life.

I'm in the best shape I've been in for a long time. Long walks don't bother my feet or my legs, although the 4 flights of stairs to my Wednesday class will still get me a bit out of breath. Soon, I'll start weekly Fuji training by walking up and down stairs for at least an hour.

My Japanese has improved by leaps and bounds. I need to study kanji more, but most of my teachers encourage "sounding kanji out" based on the readings we know. I know a lot of kanji by sight, but not their readings.... My listening has gotten really good - I can recognize a lot of grammar, even if I don't know the meaning. I've picked up a lot of grammar and colloquialisms just by listening to what people say around me. I've gotten much better at asking for words by explaining it using words I already know. It doesn't work well with complex concepts yet (spent 10 minutes trying to explain calculus before I gave up), but considering I've only had to do this for 2 months, I think I've gotten quite good.

But there are times where I miss my family so much it hurts. I've missed two weddings now and soon to be a third. My boyfriend is having a really hard time with school - to the point where he's drastically cutting back his work hours to gain more sleep and study time. My dad is digging himself into debt for my sake (and a bit of his own). I've been desperately searching for another job, but I have yet to find one. I want to explore Japan desperately, but I'm confined by my budget.

There have been times where I regret getting an apartment, but all-in-all, it was the right choice. I'm very happy with it - aside from the small issue of no cover outside of the door, which sucks when it rains.

All-in-all...I've learned a lot in 2 months.

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