Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sick and Moving Day Fail

I have been ridiculously sick the past 14 hours or so. It's this weird nausea that comes in waves. It started as heartburn, but after the first 3 tums didn't work within an hour and a half, I ate 2 more and then the heartburn died down...but this terrible nausea set in. Not sure what it stems from, but I think the only thing I can do is wait it out. If it gets worse, I'll consider going to a doctor.

I would be moving to my apartment today, but it's raining on and off - which means carrying my stuff half a mile through the rain. I would take my bike, but I don't have a rain poncho and considering I'm battling some weirdness already, I just figure I'll do it tomorrow.

In addition to the rain, I went to my apartment and they hadn't turned the water on. It sort of surprised me, but I know they're coming tomorrow afternoon to turn on the hot water anyway, so I'm guessing they'll figure out something is amiss.

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