Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Long Time - As Usual

Another 3 months have passed. Shit has seriously gone down.

My cousin graduated from the USMC bootcamp last Friday. We're all so proud of him. He's only got about a week and a half left before he leaves again. I got to go down to watch his graduation, which was awesome. He looks good in his uniform.

My uncle committed suicide last month - that was really hard. I was on campus when I found out, so I had to wait two days before I could come home. I also had to write a paper the night of his death - somehow managed to BS my way up to an A. My cousin's grandfather also died about 2 weeks later - his mom's father. He was on his way out with Alzheimer's, but it was an awful time to go when the family was already in so much turmoil. I had to miss his funeral because I needed to be in school.

My parents are splitting in early June. It's a real bummer, but I feel like it's better than them hating each other all the time.

I placed into Japanese. I'm 100% that it's going to be my major and I think I'm just going to minor in Korean and MAYBE Chinese. I feel like I'll be so much better at it.

School. Yeah. It's hell right now.

I dropped my chem lab the week of my uncle's funeral. I was taking 17 credits anyway, so it doesn't hurt me.

I'm taking Japanese 201 and Korean 101 for the fall semester. I'm also trying to take Asian Art and Viking literature to get my CORE classes out of the way, but the lit class is already full and the Asian Art class is at a time where it might conflict with my Japanese courses if I can't get into the section I need.

Currently, I have a chemistry exam Thursday, a geography exam on Monday and a biology exam on Tuesday. I'm pretty sure I also have a Japanese exam next week too, but my sensei hasn't mentioned anything about it yet. If you hadn't guessed, I'm procrastinating studying. I feel like I'm even worse at studying than I was last semester. I wonder if my brain just avoids work in general?

I'm out for now, I'll update again at a later date.

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