Sunday, December 2, 2012

Just Doing the Daily

New things learned today:
1.)    My cousin has officially married and another cousin of mine threw up on our front steps.

2.)    I’m not the only one who lives in two worlds – this one and the one inside my head.

3.)    I have lost enough weight that two shirts that used to fit me very tightly now hang pretty loose.

4.)    I met a fursuiter at Yoyogi park, who has a shop based out of my home state and is from the UK. Small world, isn’t it?

5.)    The Icelandic consonants Ðð and Þþ both represent the same “th” sound. The consonant ð is always in the middle or at the end of a word, while þ is usually at the beginning of a word (with a few exceptions).

6.)    After calculating it out, I officially do not have enough funds to do anything outside of my budget. Too bad I already reserved everything to go to Sapporo…

7.)    I fucked up my return address on 2/4 envelopes. Why is the Japanese addressing system so weird?

8.)    Fast ice is ice that’s attached to a coast and drift ice floats along the ocean.

9.)    Unless it’s extremely cold, window frost can only form on single-paned windows.

10.)  Needle ice is a phenomenon where the soil is above freezing and the air is below freezing. This causes the water to wick upwards, but it freezes, creating ice that is lifted up off the ground.

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