Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 5

Day 5?

1.)    The Soul Evans x Maka Albarn pairing is probably one of the most subtle and sweet pairings I’ve ever seen in a shounen manga.
2.)    The chamois is a goat-antelope indigenous to Europe. 
3.)    In the body of Ötzi the Iceman, they found intact red blood cells. These are the oldest red blood cells every found, dated around 5000 years old. It has also been determined that he had a much higher degree of Neanderthal DNA than modern Europeans.
4.)    Interestingly, tattoos have been around for centuries. Romans used them to mark slaves and soldiers. Some tribal societies used them to mark men and women for their deeds or other cultural significance. There are also cultural taboos against tattooing. Japan is renowned for having one of the most beautiful tattooing techniques, but tattoos are highly associated with the Yakuza, so people with visible tattoos are frequently banned from public places like bathhouses or pools.
5.)    To build off of number one – the subtlety is completely lost on a Western audience due to the lack of significance in holding hands. In Japan, you almost never hold hands in public. A lot of people find it really embarrassing. Even in airports, couples almost never hug and definitely won’t kiss each other goodbye. In Soul Eater, especially in the last 20 chapters, there is a lot of largely unexplained handholding. The author writes in a weak excuse, but there is definitely an ulterior motive there.
6.)    The Icelandic word for dragon is dreki.
7.)    It’s impossible for me to return home for Christmas. Well…not impossible, but financially challenging.
8.)    The Voyager 1 is a spacecraft that was launched for research purposes in 1977. It recently sent back data that it still hasn’t reached the edge of our solar system. That means that the solar system is bigger than we thought.
9.)    After watching Aladdin for the first time in over 15 years, I have come to the conclusion that my boyfriend is very similar to Aladdin. In looks and goofiness.
10.)  I have the best boyfriend ever. I know it sounds nuts, but he’s so determined to try to get me home…<3 o:p="o:p">

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