Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 16

Day 16 - Sorry today's is a bit cheap, but hey, I learned stuff!

1.)    My laptop has a pretty good battery – or so I hope. Running some tests now. I’m really not looking forward to the lack of electrical plugs on the flight home. That and the lack of movies. I don’t usually get my laptop out, but 12 hours with only two or three movies is not a fun prospect. Currently, I have one, but I’m working on getting some from my family.

2.)    Noren make excellent gifts for people who want something very Japanese. A noren is a sort of hanging tapestry that usually hangs over a shop entrance. Some of the designs a very lovely. You can get a good discount if a design is “out of season”. I bought a summer one for around $12 or so.

3.)    I watched the Hunchback of Notre Dame for the first time. It was pretty good and now I know what a badass Esmerelda is. She’s up there with Mulan, I think.

4.)    I have lost enough weight for it to be necessary to take my belt in a notch.

5.)    Finding Disney songs in Icelandic is really hard if you don’t know Icelandic. D: But Princess and the Frog seems to be well done from what I saw.

6.)    When I walk to and from work, it’s a mile and a half.

7.)    When I walk a mile to get to school and a mile back. So I walk at least 4 miles a day (grocery store, boredom walks, etc).

8.)    From my apartment, it’s a mile to Nakano station.

9.)    It’s a 1.4 miles round trip to go to the hardware store.

10.) The giant loop I do when I’m bored is 2.4 miles, but it doesn’t feel that far at all…

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