And I'm not sure how I feel about that. I don't relate all that well with people my age, so most of my Japanese friends are in their mid-twenties to early thirties. Many are shocked when I mention my age - I'm guessing because I seem more mature? My point is I wish I had made more friends my age, but unfortunately, my program didn't give me the chance to meet many Japanese students.
I've grown used to not seeing my family. I've grown used to not seeing my boyfriend, my friends in America. I miss them, truly I do. But I'm not sure I want to go home. I've grown used to living alone. I enjoy the language practice. I enjoy just walking out the door and exploring. I enjoy just walking out the door and going to the convenience store. I enjoy having everything I could possibly need within 30 minutes of me. I could make 1000 excuses, but they wouldn't even amount to the feeling of freedom I get just being in a different world.
I've had a lot of firsts here. Having a job (if you can count unpaid excessive manual labor as a job). Finding an apartment. Paying rent. Paying real bills. Checking my own mail. Having to call and talk in a foreign language when something goes wrong.
My weight has been all over the place since I've gotten here. I'm going to try hard to get it down in these next four months through a much healthier diet. I'm, GASP, limiting myself to 1500 calories a day, but I can eat whatever I want. I'm also exercising a lot more (not in the past few days, due to a two-day downpour and being sick as a dog). Hopefully, I'll look reasonable when I get back to the States.
My tentative return date is August 5th - in time for Otakon. Hopefully, all will go well.
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