Monday, April 23, 2012

Update for the sake of Updating

I hate doing this, but it's been almost two full months of updating. Well, the good news is that I've finally switched back to my old medication and so far things are going great. I don't feel as moody and I'm generally more positive. It's still cheaper than it used to be, but I'm not sure if it's because I'm buying it in the three month packages or not.

The scariest thing is - is the synthetic hormone altering my personality OR am I naturally a calm/pleasant person and the natural hormones destroy my moods? Everyone reacts differently, but in my experience, I have a four day time frame of emotional instability on YAZ (two days before and two days after my cycle starts) as opposed to a constant instability on natural hormones.

BTW, I'm now part of a freelance translation group. I'll post more about it when I have a few chapters out. It's rather tedious, but not as tedious as the project I tried previously (almost no furigana and I don't know nearly enough kanji, so I had look each one up in the dictionary).

I still don't know if I was accepted into the exchange program or not. I have a strong suspicion I'll find out about my scholarship (the Bridging Scholarship, which informs applicants by the end of May) before I find out about the program itself! I've found a rather decent place to live, but the company still hasn't returned my e-mail (it's only been a couple days though, so maybe I'm getting impatient?). I'm just worried I'll get accepted and not be able to afford the cost of living because I can't get into the housing that I need. X/

My friend who had applied to JET is now in limbo - they placed him as an alternate, so as people decline their acceptance, he has a second chance. It just means more waiting, but he seemed fairly optimistic. I hope it all works out for him. If he's able to go, I'll know at least 2 people from my university overthere, maybe 3 if another friend applies for the 2013 summer program. And another is teaching in Korea. Emergency contacts are always good - no matter where you are.

At the end of May, my dad, younger brother and I are going to Ireland! We're still in the air about some of the finer details, but we're likely hitting up Dublin, Limerick and Belfast (yes, Northern Ireland). The Cliffs of Moher, Kilkenny and Bru na Boinne are some of the little side trips we plan on making. Listowel castle in County Kerry is also on the list, mainly because it was raided by a very distant ancestor. >>"""

That's enough for today, I suppose.

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