Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Small Statistic for a Big thing

I found that article, and the statistic they put forward, a little depressing. The top 400 richest people, as listed by Forbes, make up the bottom 50% of the country in terms of "worth". The 6 richest members of the Walton family (the family that owns Walmart), all of which are in the top 10 richest people, equate the bottom 30% of the country.

Now if you do the math - there are 350 million people in America. That means that 0.00000114% of our country is worth the same in monetary value as 50%? And think about it - that's not even the top 1% of the country. 1/5 of the country holds 87.2% of the wealth while the remaining 4/5ths hold 12.8%...

I'm not saying people can't make money, I'm just saying it's really sad that the gap between the privileged and the poor is sickeningly wide.

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